
“This is so wonderful!! It made my day and much more. You really connected with Helen. Thank you Nancy, so, so much. Wow!”

– Lynn, Helen’s niece

“Risa, it’s obvious your visits have become a true highlight in her weeks.”

– John DePiazza, Fiduciary to client Jean

” Your description and pictures show a great session! I’ve noticed some other signs of her being more engaged with ‘life’. It does my heart good! Thank you.”

– Nancy, mother of Donna

“WOW, look at those beautiful creations! So amazed by the way your team collaborates with the residents, enhancing their creativity! We can’t wait to have you back! With appreciation.”

– Adriana Inclan, Life Enrichment Coordinator, Eskaton Monroe Lodge

Creativity and Insight

For nearly a decade I have had the privilege to know Tiffany Paige Ramirez and personally witnessed her artistic contributions to our elderly community. Tiffany provided therapeutic art for those persons afflicted with dementia/Alzheimer’s while attending support groups. The Artisan Mind Art Reveals program allowed those with cognitive impairment to rekindle memories, feelings, and interests otherwise irretrievably buried.

Tiffany always came prepared for her art programs and injected creativity, insight and excitement into her curriculum. As a result, our patients always looked forward to “art day” with Tiffany.

Max Perry – CEO, Alzheimer’s Aid Society

ArtWall 2

Smokey Mountain Childhood

I wanted to thank you for such a special day you gave me and my grandmother. As her dementia progressed it was hard to have certain conversations with her. However, with your help and navigation through the artwork she was able to talk about things she hadn’t been able to discuss in months or even years. She had a wonderful time that brought her back to the Smokey Mountains and her childhood. She was very self conscious about her dementia in public because she knew she wasn’t able to communicate the way she wanted to. But you allowed her to express her emotions and feel like a queen.

Halley, Oakland, CA

Artisan Mind, Halley Darigan, Betty Darigan, Crocker Art Museum, The Hummingbird Project, Tiffany Ramirez, Tiffany Paige,

Sunrises & Rainbows

Evelyn, an Artisan Mind participant discusses her painting of a sunrise. “Sunrises and rainbows remind me of Santa Monica. My mother would take me to the beach to watch the sunrise. We would get there in the dark. She had taken us to Hollywood so we could become stars. My mother was a wild one.”

-Evelyn, Carmichael, CA

Tiffany Ramirez, Tiffany Paige, Artisan Mind, Non-Profit, Artisan Mind Owner, Artisan Mind Founder

The Power of Art

“We all experience life in our own unique, individual way that then intricately intertwines with others’ lives, creating a complex, wonderful human experience. Alzheimer’s and dementia can deprive someone of the ability to weave themselves into that valuable experience, to connect with others in a way we all need on a very real and important level. Engaging with art has a fascinating way of helping that person thread themselves back into the human experience. It touches a part of ourselves that Alzheimer’s cannot block. We have not figured out a way to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, but the power of art has shown us a way to help someone reroute around it and allows for a priceless connection, rejoining these valuable people to our human experience.”

– Alicia Hadley
Therapeutic Activity Specialist, The Hummingbird Project

Imagine opening your email to this…

Hello family and friends.  Just had to share our best photo in many, many years.  Our most grateful thanks to Tiffany Paige Ramirez with Artisan Mind (formerly with ARTZ).  This photograph was taken in one of the halls of the Crocker Art Museum on 01/17/2014.  The title should be “Shall We Dance?”


Tiffany Ramirez, Tiffany Paige, Artisan Mind, Non-Profit, Artisan Mind Owner, Artisan Mind Founder
Dave and Ramona – Shall We Dance?

What Artisan Mind Museum Program participants are saying about The Crocker Art Museum

“You can see things in the paintings that you used to know. It makes me feel so good inside.”
– Ocie, Sacramento, CA

“It’s just so beautiful! I want to stay here all day.”
– Phyllis, Sacramento, CA